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Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Squirrel Roundup (July 8, 2008)

  • Terrorist squirrels wage biological warfare
    It seems ground squirrels are trying to wipe out the human race by starting another Black Plague. (More...)

  • Cracking the code
    One researcher is trying to decode the secret language used by ground squirrels. (More...)

  • Ground assault
    Readers of a local California paper suggest ways of fending off ground squirrels. (More...)

  • Nip it in the bud
    Garlic-pepper spray will keep squirrels away from your flower buds. I guess this also means that a little squirt on your neck will keep vampire squirrels at bay. (More...)

  • Squirrels discover the secret to longevity
    That's right: coffee. (More...)

  • Female squirrels are sluts
    Canadian and British scientists have found female red squirrels show high levels of multi-male mating, even with genetically related males. (More...)

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